Parent Info
Office Hours: 7:15-3:15
Outside Supervision Hours: 7:15-2:10
Pick-Up/ Drop-Off Reminder
Please remember that the turnaround area with the white curb is for dropping off and picking up students only. If you wish to walk you student to the gate, please one of the designated parking spots.
Please help us keep our traffic flowing by encouraging your student to be ready to walk into school when you pull up to the drop-off lane. Our goal is to ensure that all students get off to a safe productive day of fun and learning!
Thank you,
Leona Valley Staff
Uniform Complaint Procedures
The Westside Union School District has the primary responsibility for compliance with federal and state laws and regulations. We have established Uniform Complaint Procedures (UCP) to address allegations of unlawful discrimination, harassment, intimidation, and bullying, and complaints alleging violation of state or federal laws governing educational programs, the charging of unlawful pupil fees and the non-compliance of our Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP).